Remember Jaws from James Bond? Orthodontics Have Moved On Since Then

We all remember that mouthful of metal and its starring role in the film. Many people still think that’s how orthodontic procedures are carried out, but the good news is that modern treatments have moved on apace, and it’s easy to make small changes that make a difference to your entire face and that don’t take centre-stage. Maybe it’s time to put the confidence back in your smile.

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Think It’s Just for Teenagers? Think Again

Many of us missed having corrective orthodontic treatment as a child, but it’s never too late. Even stars famous for their poor dental work like Shane Macgowan have rectified their previous issues recently, and you know it has truly become a style statement when Elle Magazine is publishing articles on the wealth of other A-listers who have corrected their crooked teeth with amazing results.

A Cardiff Orthodontic practice can give you advice on which treatment options may be best for you. You might need to close gaps between teeth, reduce overcrowding or have other dental treatment such as crown or bridge work or maybe implant treatment. You can have standard braces fitted, those that are fitted to the back of the teeth so that they are not visible as well as invisible, removable braces that also straighten the teeth. However, it is important to note and be aware that you might get canker sores from braces if poor oral hygiene happens.

Jaws Is Definitely in the Past

Technology has moved on apace, and the days of visible metallic wires and brackets are long gone, meaning you no longer need to hide your smile for as long as you are undergoing treatment. In fact, these kind of treatments can be ideal if you have a metal allergy also. Companies such as can provide a custom-designed programme of minimally invasive treatment, meaning you can continue with everything you do and not give a thought to your dental work. This means no more having to wear chunky braces and extensive headgear all day long in order to achieve your dream smile. There are an incredible number of different options available, some of which we have briefly mentioned, but your chosen dental professional will be able to discuss each option with you to find the one that suits your needs, medical history and your budget.

A recent survey outlined how one in five think their smile could be improved with braces, so if you are within that group, take a look at what’s out there now in terms of new methods of orthodontic treatment, and you could be on the way to a brighter smile in no time.

About the author

Kim Lee

Kim Lee lives in Tampa, Florida and focuses on living an intentionally happy life, helping others live better, and having a whole lot of fun. She loves to write, read, enjoy the outdoors, and play with dogs.

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