Instagram marketing tools

7 Effective techniques to sell by Instagram marketing tools

Currently, Instagram has established itself as the second social network with the highest growth rate. You can use Instagram marketing tools to sell products or services among the 900 million users or more of it.

Unlike Facebook, this social network does not allow an unlimited number of links to bring traffic to your e-commerce or web, but it is an essential tool to sell to the millennial generation.

According to the latest statistics, the predominant age range among Instagram users is between 18 and 24 years old, a generation of potential customers with a high predisposition to purchase.

Include Instagram marketing tools for your sales strategy

Totally, with the techniques and tools that I will comment on any small or large company can sell via Instagram and increase the client portfolio.

He thinks that 85 million photos and almost 4000 million likes are moved every day and almost half of the users follow companies.

Before selling

These are some points to keep in mind before creating a sales strategy with this social network:

  • You already have created a company profile. Now you simply have to check a box> options> change to the company profile> associate profile with Facebook fan page
  • You publish regularly with images of your service and product
  • And you have optimized the profile with the appropriate description and a link to your online store, blog or web
  • You know what your star product is

With these complete premises, you can start the following techniques to increase the number of sales with a winning strategy, although I recommend that you first use techniques to gain followers on Instagram and have a greater reach.

Instagram marketing tools

Instagram Shopping

This modality, newly integrated into the algorithm is available in 8 countries. Through the Instagram marketing tools, you can tag the photos of the products and add the price. In this way when the user clicks on the label it will go directly to your e-commerce.

This changes the rules of the game because as I said at the beginning it is not possible to put links in each publication, only in the general description of the biography.

To be able to use shopping you have to fulfill several things:

  • Company profile
  • Virtual store of your property
  • Integration of products via Facebook
  • Updated version of Instagram
  • More than 8 publications made


Surely you know Instagram celebrities who move thousands of followers. These figures known as “people who influence others” are the perfect tool to take your business to another level.

Although Instagram is characterized as a platform where interaction is up to 4 times greater than Facebook when an influencer promotes your service or product, you get several things:

  • Increase the number of followers of your profile
  • Qualified public new
  • Possibility of being a trend
  • Growing customer confidence and your online reputation

To negotiate with an influencer you can directly contact and adjust a price or use platforms where you can hire them as:

  • Publisuites
  • SocialPubli
  • Niche

Contests, raffles and hashtags trend

A strategy that has always worked to move people are contests and draws. These types of publications are regularly seen on Facebook, although Instagram also works perfectly.

The creation of these events does not imply direct sales, but it does increase followers, potential customers and online visibility.

The best thing of all is the interaction of the users and the filter to detect qualified users who wish to obtain “free” your service or product.

You can use original phrases accompanying the photo or video to get more attention from the user, so the interaction will increase, increasing the reach.

The hashtags

In Instagram marketing tools, hashtags are the labels that users add in each publication. These tags group all the contents that users make under those hashtags.

By adding hashtags trending topic of the moment increases the visibility of the promotion or publication reaching more users and improving the sale from Instagram.

You can not define a perfect number of hashtags since each theme is different. It is advisable to investigate the type and quantity of labels that your competition adds to publications or references in your sector.

Instagram stories

This feature that Instagram developers added to the application allows you to connect better with your followers.

It is about creating a real-time message in video or photo format, and it also allows you to add filters, drawings and emojis to accompany the content.

After sharing your story you can follow up to evaluate the result and see the engagement or interaction you have had with your followers.

A very effective combination is to combine Instagram stories with an influence. In this way, the effect is viral and the visibility of your product and service increases exponentially.

If you want to share content different from the rest, you can use tools like Boomerang, Hyperlapse or the famous Rewind to create effects that attract more attention to the user.

Advertising via Facebook

Investing in advertising effectively is the basis for any sales strategy. In Instagram marketing tools you can also advertise through personalized ads.

To know what type of advertising you should do you can follow this simple checklist, although you will have to test several formats to discover the most efficient:

  • Check the ads of your competition, type of text, comments, effects on the photos, etc…
  • Experiment with formats using different photography tools
  • Do not forget the biography link
  • Hire a copyrighter to have texts that sell
  • Also, use the video format

In order to create ads on Instagram marketing tools, you simply have to connect with your Facebook account and personalize the ad from the power editor.

Do not forget to make a good definition of your audience, use the corresponding hashtags and of course analyze the final results.

Extra tip: to increase the scope of this payment publication you can create somewhat controversial news of the moment to look for the virality. You must be careful if you create too much controversy because it could damage your personal brand, for example, politics, religion, etc.

Direct sales tools

Currently, there are specific tools on the market to sell from Instagram with an interface similar to the social network. They are platforms that synchronize with your account and have a similar aspect, in this way the potential client accesses a portal very similar to Instagram facilitating the purchase.

You just have to create a profile in these applications and you can automatically sell as if you had an online store connected to your Instagram account.

These are the best known:

Inselly: allows you to upload files of your products and tag the publications with #inselly so that the customer responds #soldtome in the articles that have interest.

Photoslurp: this tool connects with your profile feed that integrates a link that you must put in your bio to take the user to a sales page where all the tabs of your products will be.


With these techniques, you have no excuse to sell products and services using Instagram marketing tools, take advantage of the potential of this social network that does not stop growing to get sales in your business.

You can also contact Instagram at any time to request information about your account or any problem that may arise, the technical service is excellent.

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