How to choose the right mattresses?

In a dream, the average person spends about a third of their life. During this time, the body must recover after a hard day. The nervous system relaxes and recovers, the muscles return to normal and the whole body “repairs” the problems accumulated during the day. At the same time, the calmer and deeper the sleep, the better the body copes with its tasks, and it is impossible to achieve good sleep without a properly selected mattress. Many people experience chronic fatigue syndrome when they wake up feeling sleepy and tired. Many have back pain or limb numbness in the morning. However, few people realize that the wrong mattress is to blame.

To choose the right mattress, you need to take into account a number of factors:

  • Human weight and age
  • The presence of diseases, especially of the musculoskeletal system
  • Sleeper height or bed size

Choosing a mattress based on their weight and age

Throughout life, a person goes through several important stages of his development. The first stage lasts up to about 25 years and is characterized by the fact that at this time the entire body is formed, including its musculoskeletal system. From 25 to 50 years old, the body is formed, during this period a person is in an active phase. After 50 years, active aging sets in, the spine needs support, and the person needs maximum comfort during sleep. At this time, in people, sleep becomes sensitive, and any inconvenience can cause its disturbance.

For each of these life periods, there should be a different approach to the choice of mattresses. At the stage of formation, it is necessary to select hard orthopedic mattresses, especially at the very early stage – in infancy and childhood. It is then that you need to correctly form the spine and avoid its curvature. A soft mattress will cause the spine to flex in different places. As a result, the spine will not only be curved, which is not very aesthetically pleasing, but also pinched nerves will form, which can lead to a number of serious diseases.

In adulthood, at the peak of activity, the body no longer needs such support. This means that you can give free rein to your subjective preferences when choosing a mattress. However, if a person is engaged in heavy physical labor, then it is best to purchase a hard mattress that gives maximum relief to the spine and allows the back muscles to fully relax.

For older people, it is advisable to select softer mattresses. However, softness is not an end in itself, it is important that the mattress has high orthopedic properties. Of course, such mattresses can cost a lot, but so much depends on the correct position of the spine and good sleep that it is simply impossible to overestimate their importance.

For every person, the same mattress can be soft or hard. It’s all about the reaction of the mattress to the load. For example, if a person weighing 120 kilograms lies on a mattress designed for a person weighing 40 kilograms, then the mattress will bend very strongly, almost to the stop, and will lose all its anatomical properties.

In practice, it is customary to distinguish three intervals of mass:

  • 40-60kg
  • 60-90kg
  • 90 and more kg

For people whose weight is within the first category, it is better to give preference to soft mattresses. The reaction of hard or semi-rigid mattresses to such a mass will be too weak to achieve even a minimal orthopedic effect. For the second category, any mattresses are suitable, but the third category should give preference to hard mattresses.

In reality, choosing a mattress is the art of matching the age and weight requirements of the person sleeping on the mattress.

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Choosing a mattress in the presence of diseases

It is important to understand that orthopedic mattresses can be useful in the treatment of a variety of diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system. They can relieve the spine and ensure its correct position. Some conditions may require sleeping on a hard mattress. In this case, it is best to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations when choosing a mattress.

People with allergies should get detailed advice from the seller about the composition of the mattress and all its elements. If it contains at least one of the substances that provoke allergic attacks or, for example, asthma, you need to refuse to purchase such a product, even if you are assured that there is nothing wrong. It is imperative to clarify whether glue was used in the production of the mattress, especially on a phenolic basis. And although modern mattresses are hypoallergenic, precaution is never unnecessary.

Choosing a mattress size

The length of the mattress should be about 20 centimeters longer than the person’s height. This is due to the fact that, firstly, a person stretches his feet during sleep, and secondly, he must be able to take a comfortable position, and this may require moving slightly away from the headboard. The width of the mattress must be at least 80cm per person. If the bed has already been purchased, then the mattress should be matched exactly to the size of its bed. It is not allowed to hang the edges of the mattress over the bed or vice versa, its smaller size.

You must always remember that the indicated sizes of the mattress are minimal and you can always buy yourself a large mattress without any problems.

Test Drive

Before buying a mattress, it is advisable to carry out a full test drive of the mattress, that is, sleep on it for at least one night. For obvious reasons, no one will let you do this. The maximum you can count on is 10 minutes of rest. Using them, it is simply unrealistic to get a complete picture of all the properties of the mattress. However, you should not neglect even such a small amount. If possible, if your friends have a similar mattress, you should ask them to give you an assessment of all its properties, or just get a product review from them. Do not neglect the reviews on the Internet. The latter, however, should be treated with some degree of skepticism, realizing that some of them may be written by manufacturers and sellers and in no case can claim to be objective.

Spring Loaded or Springless?

Often people have a question, which mattress is better, spring or springless? There is no definite answer to this question. However, there are some principles that allow you to make a choice in favor of one or another option.

If we compare a spring mattress with a mattress, for example made of alternating layers of latex or foam rubber and coconut coir, then you need to pay attention to the fact that the service life of a springless mattress is 15 years, while the estimated service life of the springs is 10 years. One of the advantages of a springless mattress is its great hygiene. This is due to the design of the mattresses. At its core, a spring mattress is mostly composed of air trapped inside and between the springs. For this reason, dust can accumulate there, which is impossible in a springless mattress, it is almost completely filled with polyurethane foam or foam latex and coconut coir. Dust-free also means the absence of dust mites and some other organisms.

Anyone sweats in their sleep. The released moisture inevitably gets into the mattress, where it can corrode the metal of the springs. Of course, this effect can be reduced by using breathable cover materials or special aerators, but it will not be possible to nullify it. This often causes the mattress to creak. Normal sleep on such a mattress becomes difficult. In a springless mattress, moisture is removed from latex, foam or coir. Moisture is quickly removed from the mattress, and this is not to mention the fact that it cannot creak in principle.

Another advantage of a springless mattress is the absence of static, which arises from the friction of natural and synthetic materials. As a result, static electricity charges the springs and, according to some reports, negatively affects the human body.

So do spring mattresses have no advantages in comparison with springless ones? Not at all, the spring mattresses are quite soft and have good orthopedic properties. In addition, you can choose a mattress of any hardness, from super soft to super hard. That is why these mattresses are suitable for most people over 25 years old. Springless mattresses, the type of their rigidity, are more suitable for children and those who need such rigidity due to the nature of their activities or in the presence of diseases.

Today on the market, spring and springless mattresses are presented in various price categories, and they can be selected for any wallet.


About the author

Kim Lee

Kim Lee lives in Tampa, Florida and focuses on living an intentionally happy life, helping others live better, and having a whole lot of fun. She loves to write, read, enjoy the outdoors, and play with dogs.

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