about sleep apnea

Do you know about sleep apnea?

Does your partner complain about your snoring? Don’t ignore it you are suffering from a disorder called Sleep Apnea. Those having no know how of medical terms will scream “What is it?” here I will explain about it, learn...

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Imhotep’s Issue

Imhotep was angry. He’d spent the better part of the day speaking to slaves and workers about the Pyramid that was being built. They weren’t getting it despite his best efforts. He took a deep breath and tried again. Image...

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Desert Survival

Things to Remember for Desert Survival

The desert is a formidable place that is notorious for claiming the lives of even the hardiest of explorers throughout history. It combines the lethal cocktail of blisteringly hot days, freezing cold nights, a lack of water and...

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pension drawdown

Five approaches to pension drawdown

Following the government’s introduction of new pension freedoms in 2016, investors can draw money from their pensions as they need it, and keep their funds invested, instead of buying an annuity that guarantees income for...

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Bad Art Party Idea

Make Bad Art Party Idea

I took painting lessons from a crazy old hippie artist all through high school. I haven’t painted in years though. It’s probably because I focus too much on what I can’t do with my skills rather than what I can do. But...

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