Supplies and Tools For Plastering

You should always prepare for wall plastering in advance. This way, you don’t need to run around looking for tools or stop the job midway to buy them. You will need a trowel or bucket trowel as well as a corner trowel or hawk board. Other materials include PVA, dust sheets and clean water.

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Step 1: Prepare

Be sure to use a dust sheet before you start working on your wall or walls. This will protect the floor and catch any plaster or debris that may spill. Make sure the wall is clean and free of dust before you begin. This is especially important if the wall is old and worn out. Screen tape can be used to cover any cracks or holes you find on the wall. Use the screen tape to cover all joints between newly installed plasterboards if you plan on plastering them over.

Step 2: Apply PVA to the wall

As PVA is a latex base product, it’s similar to glue which seals the pores in drywall. Applying PVA on the wall you are about to plaster ensures that the layer will dry evenly. You must first dilute PVA with water in a ratio of 1:4. This means that you should use one part PVA to four parts water. Apply the PVA mix with a brush and make sure that you cover the entire wall. After you have covered the wall with PVA glue, it is time to apply the first layer of plaster.

Step 3: Mix the Plaster

Mix the plaster according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer.. As you open the bags, wear a dust mask. Pour the material into a bucket filled with cold water, and whisk it briefly until you get a thick custard-like consistency. When you need a Plasterer Cheltenham, consider

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Step 4: Apply plaster to the walls

After you have cleaned the walls and prepared the plaster mix, you can apply the first coat using a hawk board, trowels and a floating device. You should practice the technique on separate plasterboards before mastering the technique.

Use the trowel to place the plaster on the hawk and the float for pushing the material onto the wall. Spread the plaster upwards firmly and flatten the float after each sweep. Apply the plaster upwards from the lower left corner, and fill the entire section before moving to the next. Use small amounts of plaster and apply firm pressure to the float. This will ensure a smooth finish, and prevent excess plaster from coming off the walls. Repeat this motion until the surface is completely covered in plaster.

About the author

Lisa Alther

Lisa Alther is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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