Conveying systems are a crucial part of multiple manufacturing and industrial processes. One of the most commonly used types is the pneumatic conveying system.
Pneumatic Conveying Systems
A pneumatic conveying system conveys materials through a bespoke pipeline which is enclosed. It will usually comprise the following basic elements:
- A material-introduction device such as a feeder
- An air mover e.g. fan, blower
- A conveying line
- A termination vessel
- A dust collection mechanism.
The energy that is needed to move the material through a conveying system like this is provided by both pressure differential and airflow.
The blower/compressor uses pressure to push the materials into the pipeline. As the materials move along the pipeline, the pressure decreases, allowing for controlled transfer. When they reach the end of the pipeline, the materials are separated using filters/separators.
Advantages and Disadvantages
These systems have fewer moving parts than traditional mechanical conveying systems, the pipelines can have bends if needed to divert them around immovable objects or existing equipment, and they have a reasonably small footprint. They are also totally enclosed, which reduces the level of dust/contaminants.
Pneumatic conveying systems require considerably more power to function than mechanical systems. This is primarily due to the change in air pressure that is needed. Additionally, because they need to separate the material from the air at the end of the system, they need a bigger dust collection system than a mechanical conveyor.
Pneumatic conveying systems can only deal with dry and relatively fine materials. Larger materials or those that are sticky or sludgy would likely cause continual blockages.
Pneumatic Conveying Systems – Experts
If you feel that a pneumatic conveying system could be beneficial to your business/organisation, there are a number of specialists such as who can offer advice and various solutions.
Pneumatic conveying systems are primarily used to transfer/move powders and granules including cement, flour, sand, plastic pellets, chemicals, minerals and food products. They are not really suitable for slurries or pastes.