cats eat almonds

Can cats eat almonds?

Can cats eat nuts like almonds or nuts? Surely you know more than one cat sitter who has told you to go crazy for them, devour them almost without thinking and one after another. But are they beneficial to their health? In the case of almonds, we can ask the same.

Perhaps it is because of the salt they contain because they can be eaten almost without chewing or because they like the texture. As your caregiver, we recommend that you are very attentive to whether a nut or an almond fall into its power. It could cause irreparable kidney damage if you get intoxicated with these almonds. Remember that in addition to what we are going to tell you below, you have our online dietitians specialized in felines.

cats eat almonds

Can cats eat almonds?

With almonds, we are strict: don’t even think about giving them one. This is one of the total and prohibited foods for cats. Walnuts contain toxins for them that could kill you eaten in bulk.

A single almond will do nothing as long as it is a healthy cat with some weight, but if it is a pussycat, the thing changes. In case, it has been swallowed. There are several problems associated with their consumption. The first is that you can choke on her. Remember that the Heimlich maneuver consists of taking them and hitting them on the back so that they expel the piece.

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Another problem is that because it is a hard food, there may be remains inside the mouth and between the teeth, which can cause bacterial attacks. This would not be a particularly serious problem if we found that all cat caretakers take the hygiene of their fangs to the letter, but we know that this is not the case. Do not forget that a bacterial infection in your cat’s mouth can end up becoming a serious disease in another part of his body, as pathogens travel through the blood to the kidneys.

Can cats eat nuts?

So far, it will be clear to you that the fruits are not a good idea. So what about almonds? Well, they are also a bad decision. They can be choked with them. Salt can harm them. In addition, almonds have a particular substance that can cause kidney damage.

In summary, if you have swallowed some almonds or some almonds, what we recommend is that you go to the veterinarians. These almonds can cause serious damage. In addition, the problem with damage to the viscera, such as the kidneys or liver, is that they do not warn, do not show pain and only show their consequences many days later.

Therefore, prevention is always better than cure. Cats are not dogs; they have a much more exquisite stomach than they do, so you need to be extremely cautious with everything in your mouth. Do not forget that you have our online dietitians for everything you need.

About the author

Kim Lee

Kim Lee lives in Tampa, Florida and focuses on living an intentionally happy life, helping others live better, and having a whole lot of fun. She loves to write, read, enjoy the outdoors, and play with dogs.

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