Here’s Why Co-sourcing Your Medical Transcriptions Is the Best Choice

Since the medical industry juggles a lot for patients’ primary care, they frequently lack the time or resources to manage the massive volume of files that must be transcribed. Today, most hospitals and other healthcare facilities have two options for transcription: maintain an in-house team or outsource medical transcriptionists.

But, the demand for this service is highly volatile, and it can only be met through a more creative approach: co-sourcing.

Control and Convenience

Having a mix of in-house and outsourced medical transcriptionists allows you control and convenience.

You retain the authority to hire and train your employees, ensuring that your team adheres to your stringent guidelines. You’ll also have direct access to the transcriptionists and an open line of communication.

If you have an in-house team of medical transcriptionists, you can be confident that you will always have a workforce available when you need it. They can perform routine tasks such as reviewing and editing medical documents, which are essential in today’s medical environment.

Of course, if business begins to pick up, you can seek the assistance of an outsourcing firm. There’s no reason to delegate all of your responsibilities to one person. If you’re co-sourcing your transcription needs, you will be able to manage all of your documents simultaneously.

Quality of Work

Data and information must always be accurate and error-free in the medical field. Yes, your staff can handle a large volume of transcription work. However, heavy loads are more likely to cause havoc if they arrive regularly.

Having reputable external transcriptionists can be highly beneficial for consolidating medical records. Your transcription service provider will employ multiple layers of quality control to ensure that no incorrect medical terms, typos, or misspelled words are included.

In addition, you can also have trained transcriptionists for any medical speciality to fully understand the documents at hand.

Co-sourcing allows for the flexibility of employing multiple in-house quality control resources and a group that assists your in-house team with various tasks.

Increased Productivity

Aside from quality, outsourcing your transcription tasks externally also increases the speed of work completion. As you know, public and private healthcare organisations are frequently under pressure to retain a certain number of in-house (in-sourcing) typists.

In some cases, these minimal in-house workforces find specific tasks hard to finish on hectic deadlines. Fortunately, having an outsourced medical transcription provider also gives you the expertise of people who have handled a large volume of medical transcription work in the past.

You will get high-quality work at a reasonable price when you outsource your transcription needs, but you will also get error-free transcripts on time.

While an in-house team may not guarantee a quick turnaround time due to other commitments, transcription agencies work quickly to cater to their reputable claims.


Increasing the number of internal employees necessitates a consistent monthly budget for salaries, resources, office space, and training. But outsourcing options relieve the burden of spending more money, time, and effort on training and retaining newly hired employees.

In addition, you don’t need to invest in more infrastructure or the latest tools to use for transcribing files. Your outsourcing partner already has access to cutting-edge technology and tools for your medical transcription processes.

Yes, both in-house and outsourced transcriptionists have their perks. The good news is that you are not forced to choose between the two.

You can now have a high-quality, timely, and cost-effective transcription by combining in-house and outsourced medical transcriptionists.

About the author

Sylvia James

Sylvia James is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.

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